Welcome potential future members of Bloodmoon Knights

If you are looking to join BMK please create a New Post with some information for us to look at while considering you.

Your in-game character name

Your Class (Spec as well)

Your Level

General idea of gear

Link to your Armory Site

Who do you know in Bloodmoon (if no one, please try to talk to some people, and even play with some people in BMK before applying)

Tell us why you want to join Bloodmoon.

Tell us what you expect out of Bloodmoon

Tell us what you bring to the table.

What nights are you available to raid?

We are not always recruiting, or we may only be recruiting certain classes or levels, please take this to note if you do not hear from us, or are declined

The Immortal Ones Officer (Former Guild Leader)
ULGD WOW Guild Leader, Officer, and High Council Officer
BloodMoon Guild Leader and Officer
Webmaster for:
www.ulgd.org (ULGD)
www.Bloodmoonguild.org (Bloodmoon, Bloodmoon Rising, and Bloodmoon Knights)
www.immortalonesguild.com (The Immortal Ones)
NOTE: Any thoughts posted are mine, and not that of BloodMoon, The Immortal Ones, or the ULGD, unless specifically stated.