Your in-game character name: Vagdos

Your Class (Spec as well): Mage Arcane and fire (hybrid)

Your Level: 70

General idea of gear: getting there

Link to your Armory Site:

Who do you know in Bloodmoon : Keliod, Proserina

Tell us why you want to join Bloodmoon: Have been asked by Keliod

Tell us what you expect out of Bloodmoon: Raiding, Heroic instances, help with quests kinda thing

Tell us what you bring to the table: Im a good listener, I don't start arguements, I do listen to what the leader says, Im fun to talk to and WoW with

What nights are you available to raid?: Umm... i do close like 4-5 days a week at work, and i am usually home by 1 am my time, on till like 5-6 am lol, so it all depends what my schedule is at work