Your in-game character name: Reanimation (On Laughing Skull will transfer over.)
Your Class (Spec as well:Warrior 11/0/50
Your Level:70
General idea of gear: Pretty good.
Link to your Armory Site: do you know in Bloodmoon (if no one, please try to talk to some people, and even play with some people in BMR before applying): I know all the peeps from KP and BMR pre BC.
Tell us why you want to join Bloodmoon: I wanna come back and raid with you guys once more.
Tell us what you expect out of Bloodmoon: Nothing really, I just wanna come back and hang out with you guys.
Tell us what you bring to the table: I can bring salad and some jello, and a decent tank / dps warrior.
What nights are you available to raid? I can raid anytime after 3:45 server on Monday threw Thursdays. Weekends are free any time.